November 1, 2017
Board Members Present: Pam Christopherson, Tim Floyd, Mary Lou Griffin, Nina Hagen, Dana Halvorson, Greg Luce, Debra Pabst and Keith Swagerty. Absent: William P. Brewer, Jim Engstrom, Dr. Duane Hopp and Jennifer Webber. Staff present: M. Anne Sweet.
The meeting was called to order at 12:22 p.m. at the WTBOA offices by President Halvorson.
Previous Board Minutes: Minutes from the September 7, 2017, meeting were presented and reviewed. Floyd moved to approve the minutes as presented. Luce seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Finance Committee Report: Treasurer Pabst reported that there is a negative $19,000 showing on the financial reports. This was for a late payment received that was received in 2017 for two sale horses that were sold at the 2016 sale. Also, there was an unanticipated repair and maintenance expense in the amount of $20,000 for the HVAC system. Otherwise, the reports are pretty close to budget. The sale for 2017 netted about $74,000. A draft of the 2018 calendar year budget has been reviewed by the Finance Committee, and copies were made available to Board members for their review. It is very similar to the current year’s budget. [The draft budget was also
e-mailed to those not present at this meeting.]
Northwest Race Series (NWRS): Committee Chairperson Pabst reported that $150,000 had been committed for the 2017 series, of which $134,787 was paid out. There will be a carry forward of $11,772 for 2018.
Sales Committee Report: It was noted that the traditional date for the Summer Yearling and Mixed Sale would be Tuesday, August 21. This is being run by the Sales Committee for comment/review.
Publications Report: Sweet reviewed some of the topics that would be covered in articles for the next issue of the magazine, which will be the Winter Stallion Register edition. The topic of getting your mare ready for breeding was also suggested, along with the suggestion of asking Dr. Ahmed Tibary from WSU to write it.
[Dr. Tibary was contacted. He did agree to write the article and has since submitted it.] The Equilume (halter with LED blue light) was discussed as an alternative to stalling mares under lights. [A sidebar on this will also be included.] Halvorson noted that he liked the cover of the Fall issue of the magazine and the fact that it included a list of the articles that were published within. Griffin will be this year’s guest curator to help with photo selection for the 2018 calendar. The Farm Directory is still in progress, with a goal of having it out early in 2018.
Washington Horse Racing Commission (WHRC)/Emerald Downs Report: It was noted that Emerald Downs’ dates for the 2018 season, while not yet official as of this date, are expected to be from April 22 through September 30. Washington Cup will be split over three weekends – Sunday, September 2, for three-year-olds; Sunday, September 9, for two-year-olds; and Sunday, September 16, for older horses. The Longacres Mile (G3) is scheduled to be run on Sunday, August 12, along with two of the NWRS stakes races, plus one other stakes race.
Halvorson and Sweet reported on a change in the way that Breeders’ Awards will be paid, as a result of an update in the interpretation of the RCW state law that pertains to Breeders’ Awards. For many years, it was assumed that Emerald Downs retained six percent from daily gross receipts for exotic wagering on both live racing and simulcasting. Of that six percent, one percent was designated for Breeders’ Awards. In 2017, it was determined that, in actuality, Emerald Downs had not been retaining six percent from the daily gross receipts on exotic wagering from simulcasting. Hence, going forward, Breeders’ Awards will be calculated on live racing only. Emerald Downs President Phil Ziegler had stated that Emerald Downs would make up the difference. [Ultimately, Emerald Downs provided a $100,000 supplement to Breeders’ Awards, which is greatly appreciated, but which is roughly $73,000 less than last year’s total for Breeders’ Awards.]
There was discussion regarding whom might be asked to review and provide their interpretation of the law, such as attorneys Brewer or David Thorner. Also, how to initiate an open and cooperative discussion with Emerald Downs, offering non-combative solutions and investigating what the WTBOA and breeders might do to help. Halvorson said that he would talk to Brewer and Thorner and that he would also talk to WHRC Executive Secretary Doug Moore for his input or insights.
It was noted that for Emerald Downs’ live meet, the handle was $44-million in 2017, compared to $41.8-million in 2016, up 5.24 percent.
WTBOA Board of Directors and Sales Committee Elections: Nominees for the 2018-2020 term of the WTBOA Board of Director are incumbents Griffin, Halvorson and Webber, as well as Melodie Bultena. Nominees for the WTBOA Sales Committee are incumbents Halvorson, Pabst and Webber, as well as Petra Lewin and Kara Toye. Hagen will be the Board member to help with ballot counting, which will take place on Tuesday, November 14.
Annual Awards Banquet: New pricing for admission will be: $45 for members and nominees; $55 for non-members; $65 if paying at the door. It was approved to contact Karen Proffitt for her assistance and to pay a stipend of up to $1,000 for her assistance. We will also contact Susie Sharp again, as well as Candi Tollett, to see if they are available to help. It was suggested that we put together a sign-up sheet for volunteers, including who or what is needed and when. Regarding the dessert auction, it was suggested that we keep it open longer and that we do it either all live auction or all silent auction, and also that it perhaps be setup in front, near the stage, or near the buffet line. Since there are time constraints, doing is as all live auction is probably not feasible, so it will probably be all silent auction.
Educational Field Trip for High School Animal Science Students: It was suggested by WTBOA member Tom Lee, who had communicated with area high school animal science teacher Jordan Lybeck, that we host an educational field trip for students in the spring of 2018. Pabst said she would be willing to do a presentation. Sweet will coordinate with Lybeck and his students, as well as Emerald Downs’ group sales personnel Vicki Potter.
Next Meeting Date: The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 14, 2017.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Quorum not attained; no official business was conducted
January 4, 2018, Meeting Minutes
Pending approval at next meeting
Next Meeting
Friday, February 23, 2018