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For the quarterly print editions of the magazine, ad copy and payment must be received in our offices 15 days prior to the scheduled printing date.

$1 per word or $20 minimum (up to 20 words).
Classified ads will appear in the designated quarterly edition of the Washington Thoroughbred magazine.

The same ad will also appear in the classified ad section of the WTBOA website for no additional charge until the end of the designated quarter of insertion.

Website ads will be uploaded immediately upon receipt of payment.

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    Edition(s) for Ad Insertions

    Spring/Champions EditionSummer/Sale EditionFall/Sale & Racing Recap EditionWinter/Stallion Register Edition

    Please mail check to: Classified Advertising, WTBOA, 3220 Ron Crockett Dr. NW, Auburn, WA 98001-1661; or call (253) 288-7878 with credit card information.